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Acne Scar Treatment with Bellafill

Years after outgrowing adolescent acne, the aftermath still exists—acne scars. Acne scars can often make it seem like your breakout never really went away.

So…what kind of treatment is available? How can you get rid of your acne scars? With Bellafill, we can help!

There are a variety of ways to treat acne scarring including chemical peels and laser resurfacing. But one of the best ways to get rid of acne scarring is dermal fillers.  They are an excellent way to replace volume lost caused by acne scarring. They work by lifting the depressed area of the scars.

Most dermal fillers are temporary, lasting only a few months. However with Bellafill, the scars fade by adding volume to them. It brings them level to the surrounding skin and keeps them level through one year.

Bellafill gets rid of acne scars in two ways. First, the small polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) are suspended in a collagen gel. The gel then breaks down over time, causing your own collagen to form a foundation which adds volume to the acne scars. And, bonus, smooths out wrinkles! Bellafill restores your skin rather than refilling it. And allows for stress-free skin for a year!

Bellafill is the safest and best way to go!

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