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Acne Scar Treatment with Bellafill

Years after outgrowing adolescent acne, the aftermath still exists—acne scars. Acne scars can often make it seem like your breakout never really went away. So…what kind of treatment is available?... more

The What, Why and How of Acne Scars

So…exactly what are acne scars?  Acne scarring is the direct result of deep trauma to the skin related to acne. Other factors, such as picking at your blemishes, can traumatize even small acne... more

How To Build Self Confidence With Acne Scars

Being a teen can be hard and having a constant reminder of those years in the form of acne scarring can make the memories less than pleasant.  Rest assured, there’s a lot you can do to build up... more

Find Confidence & Closure: Life After Acne Scars

Acne scarring can really shake one’s confidence – it’s hard to feel successful when you’re not happy with how you look.  Know that you’re not alone and there is help for you! First,... more

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